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The Reign of Christ Sunday

  • 8:30 am – Holy Communion
  • 10:00 am – Holy Eucharist

Rev. John strongly encourages you to read this Sunday’s Gospel passage from John 18: 33-37.  What can we take away from the interaction between Jesus and Pilate?

These hymns are for Reign of Christ Sunday.  If possible look them up on Google or Youtube and listen to them:

  1. Opening Hymn:        Rejoice the Lord is King
  2. Gradual Hymn:         Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending
  3. Offertory Hymn:        Morning Has Broken
  4. Closing Hymn:          Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun

Rev. John reminds you that we are on the cusp of the Season of Advent.  It is time to begin preparing our hearts and souls for the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Coffee & Fellowship

Following the 10:00 am service, please join us in the Library for coffee and fellowship hosted this week by Ben, Kate, Paul, Marcia Williams.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Looking for Coffee Hour hosts for January, February and March.  Please fill in your names on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office.  If you are interested in helping to host Coffee Hour following the Service, we will pair you up with someone who is a host. Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship.  Thank you to all our current coffee hour hosts for your Ministry.  It is greatly appreciated.

Financial Givings to the Church

The following are ways of giving financially to the Church:

Wednesday Service – November 27th

  • 10:00 am – Holy Communion – BCP service
  • 10:45 am – Following the 10:00 service am service, Rev. John invites you to join the “Let’s Talk About Grief” fellowship hour.