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Greetings on this Second Sunday After Christmas -The Epiphany of the Lord.

Blessings sisters and brothers in Christ. Rev. John would like you to read the Gospel passage from Matthew 2: 1-12. This being The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, I think about what the word Epiphany means to you personally. Also, what does the visit by the Magi represent?

Hymns for The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday. If possible look them up on Google or Youtube and listen to them:

Processional Hymn: We Three Kings

Gradual Hymn: ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime

Offertory Hymn: See Amid the Winter’s Snow

Recessional Hymn: Good King Wenceslas

 Coffee & Fellowship

Following the 10:00 am service, please join us in the Library for coffee and fellowship hosted this week by Beth Randall & Nancy Legue and Glenn & Linda Mizener.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Looking for Coffee Hour hosts for January, February and March. Please fill in your names on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office. If you are interested in helping to host Coffee Hour following the Service, we will pair you up with someone who is a host. Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship. Thank you to all our current coffee hour hosts for your Ministry. It is greatly appreciated.

Please Note: Please have items for the bulletins in to the office by Thursday of the week prior (For Example, For January 19th, cut off would be January 7th. Thank you for your understanding.

New Office Hours in effect: The Office is open Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; Friday, 9:00 am – 11:30 am.

Open Flower Dates: Please contact Vicki V. if you would like Memorial Flowers on the following Dates: Jan. 12, 26; Jul 20, 27; Aug 10, 17; Nov 2, 16, 23.

Financial Givings to the Church

The following are ways of giving financially to the Church:

· through Envelopes

· E-Transfer to

· Through our updated Website – Select: Give

 The Giving Tree

For the month of January, the Giving Tree will be supporting Queen Elizabeth Public School. Teachers at the school have identified the following needs:  


Whiteboard Markers

Plastic Spoons

Doodle Board Drawing Tablets or White Boards

Treasure Box Toys and Prizes 

Gagga Balls for the Gagga Ball Pit

Outside Balls for Recess such as Basketballs, Footballs, Soccer Balls, Bouncy Balls, Snow Toys but not snowball makers please

Snow Shovels

Chalk and Bubbles

Fidget Toys such a Poppit Toys, Sensory Bottles, etc.

Good Quality Gloves and Mittens

Food items such as Granola Bars and Crackers but must be both peanut and strawberry free due to allergies 

Thank you for your continued support of our community through the Giving Tree!. Many of the gloves, scarves, mittens and hats from December will be donated to the school and the rest donated to children through LinCK (Child Protection). Thanks so much. Joy Kemble

We are still collecting sleeping bags for people who need the warmth for outside use.