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The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.  It is also Back to Church Sunday. We are back to two Services with one being at 8:30 am for Holy Communion and the second one being 10:00 am for Holy Eucharist.  It is back to Church Sunday.  Welcome and blessings sisters and brothers.  I encourage you to read the Gospel passage from Mark 7: 24-37.  It is dense and multilayered, and raises many interesting questions.  I would like you to think about the profound faith of the Syrophoenician woman, as well as the manner in which Jesus heals the deaf and dumb gentleman.

Please take a moment before Sunday to Google the hymns that Sharon has chosen.  They are awesome.

In Christ There is No East or West
Open My Eyes That I May See
Praise the One Who Breaks The Darkness
Come and Journey With a Saviour

This is the day that the Lord Has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it.

Following the service, please join us for games and a Welcome Back Potluck Meal hosted by Ron and Mary Jane Hunter. Challenges (games) will be in the Hall first before going to the Library for the Potluck Lunch.  Please bring a dish to share.  Thank you to the Parish Council for hosting this event.

Looking for added additions to our Fundraising Committee.  Helping with possible Dinners and Bazaars.  Anyone interested please contact Dianne Stewart.

Please fill in your names as Hosts for the coffee and fellowship hours on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office for the remainder of the Year beginning in September.  Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship.  There are several open dates in September, October and November.  Training can be provided.   Thank you to our current coffee hour hosts for your Ministry.

The following ways of Giving to the Church are through Envelopes, E-Transfer to  and now our updated Website.  The site is: in the noted area.  For more information, please contact the office.  Thank you for your continued support.

The Anglican Church Calendars are now in the office.  Please call ahead to reserve before they are gone.  The cost of each calendar is $6.00. 

Please continue to save your empty pop cans in a tied bag to be brought outside beside the McKeough Memorial Fountain on your way into the Church Service on the first Sunday of each month (Sunday, October 6th).

We appreciate you dropping off your empty paper towel holders, egg cartons, the 1 litre or 1.28 Kg. size only (not the small ones) of margarine containers and the large cool whip containers loose in the containers provided.  Please no toilet paper holders due to hygiene.  Please continue to bring in your items.  They are greatly appreciated.