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Greetings on this Second Sunday in Lent.

8:30 am – Holy Communion

10:0 am – Holy Eucharist

Sunday School – Invite the children

Rev. John encourages you to read the passage from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 13, verses 31-35. What does this interesting passage tell us about the nature of Jesus’ love?

The Hymns for this Sunday are as follows: If possible look them up on Google or Youtube and listen to them.

Processional Hymn: Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord

Children’s Hymn Oh, How He Loves You and Me

Gradual Hymn Fight the Good Fight With All Thy Might

Offertory Hymn Now Let Us All With One Accord

Recessional Hymn: Christ is Made the Sure Foundation

To view other readings for this week or to see the gospel reading, please use this link to the common lectionary.

Coffee & Fellowship

Following the 10:00 am service, please join our host Rev. Cannon John Anderson in the Library for Coffee and Fellowship.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Looking for Coffee Hour hosts for April and May. Please fill in your names on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office. If you are interested in helping to host Coffee Hour following the Service, we will pair you up with someone who is a host. Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship. Thank you to all our current coffee hour hosts for your Ministry. It is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday Service – March 19th  

10:00 am – Holy Communion – BCP service

“Let’s Talk About Grief” – 10:45 am

Sunday School – The Teachers are collecting empty Altoids tins (empty mint containers) for future crafts. Also the Teachers are looking for odd bits of thick white or off white wood to make sheep from. Thank you. We are hoping to add extra teachers to share the responsibility for Sunday School and to be able to continue classes into May and June. Please contact Joy Kemble or Rev. MJ Meinzinger or the Church Office if you can help out.

Please Note: Please have items for the bulletins in to the office by Thursday of the week prior (For Example, For April 6th cut off would be March 27th. Thank you for your understanding.

Office Hours: The Office is open Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; Friday, 9:00 am – 11:30 am.

Open Flower Dates: Please contact Vicki V. if you would like Memorial Flowers on the following Dates: Aug 10; Nov 2, 16, 23.

Financial Givings to the Church

The following are ways of giving financially to the Church:

· through Envelopes

· E-Transfer to

· Through our updated Website – Select: Give

The Giving Tree

For the month of March, as it is the month of “Rainbows and Pots of Gold”, the Giving Tree will focus on giving back to our beloved church and the dedicated staff we are so fortunate to have here at Christ Church! If you are able, please purchase any items from the following list of supplies needed, and place them under the tree to support our church home and family. Thanks so much for all of your support all through the Year!

White Copy Paper (8 ½ x 11)

Toilet Bowl Cleaner


Febreeze Air Freshener

Dawn Liquid Dish Soap

Small 10-12 Cup Coffee Filters

Maxwell House Drip Coffee

Folgers Drip Coffee

Facial Tissues

Paper Clips

Sharpies (Black)

Free Spanish Lessons – Thursdays - 5:00 pm, Church Library. Anyone can join the Spanish lessons at any time. 

Men’s Breakfast (Third Friday of each month). 8:00 am - Friday, March 21st at Hungry Man’s Restaurant, Keil Drive.

Lenten Services/Luncheons: Thursday, March 6th to Thursday, April 17th The time of the Service is 12:10 followed by a delicious lunch by free-will offering with proceeds to the CK Hospice. Come out and invite your family and friends. Squares and Cookies are needed – Thanks for your participation Proceeds to CK Hospice – Please contact Mary Jane Hunter about Squares and Cookies.

Cash/Gift Cards (Orders due First Friday of the Month)-Friday, April 4th   

There are new forms for 2025. Please submit your orders to Vicki V. or to the Church Office Mail Box by 11:30 am. You receive full value of the card and the Church receives a percentage from the value of cards purchase towards our operating fund.

Please note: Loblaws cards (used at the Real Canadian Superstore and No Frills) is appreciated towards the Little Food Pantry and/or Monday Bag Lunch Program. You purchase the card(s), donate to the church, and the value is added to your yearly contribution on your tax slip. We thank you for your ongoing support.

Pop Can Sundays – (First Sunday of each month)-Sunday, April 6th. Bring your empty aluminum cans in a tied bag (beer cans to be separate) and place them by the McKeough Memorial Fountain before coming into the Sanctuary. Thank you with this project.

Empty Paper Towel Rolls, Egg Cartons, Margarine and Cool Whip Containers-Only Large 1 litre or 1.28 Kg. sized only (not small) for the Margarine Holders. Also large cool whip containers. Place at the back of the Church. Please no toilet paper holders due to hygiene. They are greatly appreciated.