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Buenas tardes hermanas y hermanos;

Yesterday evening I drove into the parking lot of the church to attend our altar guild meeting. The plan was to polish all the brass and silver in the sanctuary. This is no small task, but our altar guild backs down from no challenge. 
As I was pulling into my parking spot, I noticed a gentleman sitting on the back steps that leads into the flower room. He was wearing a dark hoodie which he had pulled over his head. His body language signalled complete surrender. He looked like a fractured statue, shoulders slumped, hands clasped around something that I did not recognize. For a second I considered turning around and making my way to the other side of the church. But I didn't. I stood by my car, waiting to see if the gentleman was okay. He sensed my presence and slowly stood up. I could not really see his face as it was still partially covered by his hoodie. He walked over to where I was standing. He did not say a word. I was glad to see that he was holding a vape pipe in his hand rather than a knife. I steadied myself and wished him a good evening as we came face to face. He stretched out his hand while swiping the hoodie off his face at the same time. The gentleman had one of the kindest faces I have ever seen. His eyes were full of life and intellect, and the Holy Spirit was clearly evident. Although his face was weathered from life on the streets, it was nonetheless beautiful. As we shook hands he asked me several questions about Christ Church. He was a seeker, looking for answers. I told him that I was having an altar guild meeting, and explained what we would be doing. He wished us luck, turned around pulling his hoodie over his head and disappeared into the deepening dusk. 
Grace will find us in the most unexpected places. Last night it was waiting  at the back steps of Christ Church Anglican. It was a moving experience, a reminder that as disciples we are called to look after each other, no matter what. 

Your homework is to write to me and relate a moment of unexpected grace that made a difference in your life. 

Let us pray 

Loving and gracious God, let us hear the cries of the poor and oppressed and come to their aid. Teach us to see with your eyes their tremendous dignity and care for them as you care. Let us see in them your face, that through our solidarity with them they may experience your compassion. concern and lover. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegría


I love you 


God bless our little reflection group