Good morning sisters and brothers;
I often write about the runs that Nina and I take up and down the Wabash road. We have become addicted to our daily runs. Although we run along the same route, no two runs are ever the same. It is like re-reading a cherished book in which one discovers a new detail which makes the book more enjoyable.
We do not stop during our runs, so the drawback is that we do not take the time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. We are immersed in the beauty of God's creation, but are always in a hurry trying to best our times. My runner's watch is constantly beeping, giving me updates
Heart rate
And if I drop below a certain speed, it tells me to pick it up.
A walk through our wild meadow and beyond is an entirely different experience. It is a spiritual time of deep reflection and communion with the divine.
Yesterday I went for a long walk in the afternoon. Quite frankly, I needed to clear my head and knew that time spent outdoors was the perfect antidote for what was troubling me.
The wild meadow did not disappoint. Miniscule yellow and purple flowers had sprung up literally overnight, sprinkled randomly here and there, carpeting the meadow in majesty, perfuming the air. I looked down at my watch and noted that my heart rate had dropped by 25 beats. There were butterflies floating in the breeze, and at one point I saw the shadows of a butterfly and a turkey vulture converge on the same spot. There is something truly magical about shadows in motion. They are spirit creatures.
As I continued my walk through the wild meadow I began to feel a sense of peace and restoration, and I thought about our little reflection group. We hail from all over.
We share common ground. The need to be in community , to have a sense of belonging, to proclaim the Gospel through acts of kindness. We yearn to feel safe.
But sometimes life can be very challenging, and can rob us of our joy. There is physical pain
Spiritual and emotional pain
Mental health issues
Family dysfunction
A loss of purpose.
And as I was walking and praying for strength for all in our little reflection group, I came upon the stump of a Manitoba maple that we had to cut down years ago because it was diseased and was in jeopardy of falling on the house. We thought this to be a lifeless stump, slowly disintegrating into the ages. But as you can see, not only has a healthy dandelion taken hold in its crook, this moribund tree has actually sprung a single new shoot that is reaching skyward. This will preach, sisters and brothers. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, this little green branch is a symbol of resilience.
My prayer for you this morning, sisters and brothers, is that if you are struggling please remember that you are not alone. The Risen Christ stands amongst us. Take the time to head outside today and pray, asking for the strength to rise above those things that are challenging. With prayer comes peace of mind and tranquility of heart. And you will find grace in the most unexpected places.
Let us pray
Loving and gracious God, creator of heaven and earth. We, your humble servants, give praise and thanks for the beauty of today and for the splendour of your creation. Help us not to fear what lies ahead, but to trust that you alone are in control. When life seems to be spinning out of control, ground us with the words of the psalmist
"Be still and know that I am God." Be our comforter, our healer, and bring us peace. This we ask in Jesus' name.
Please remember that it is okay not to feel okay. If you are feeling overwhelmed , reach out to someone. One should not feel as though they are suffering alone. We are here for one another. And always remember that you can contact me anytime of day or night if you need pastoral care.
Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegría
I love you
You are stronger than you think
God bless our little reflection group.