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Good afternoon sisters and brothers;

This week promises to be dangerously hot and humid. Please make sure to use caution when you are doing anything outdoors. And if you have four legged family members, please ensure that they have plenty of fresh water and ample shade. It is best for them to stay indoors when it gets this uncomfortably hot. Ranger and Chance are asleep in front of a large fan in our office at Dunblane. Kit and Crookshanks are downstairs sleeping away their nine lives. 

The bottom picture shows what the wild meadow looked like back in the mid-80's. As you can see, it was a featureless horse pasture. It was aesthetically pleasing, but it was devoid of fauna and flora. 

The top picture was snapped just last night, from the very spot that the bottom picture was snapped . 

The transformation is incredible. This part of the wild meadow is almost impenetrable.  The trees and shrubs are full of life. Birds, squirrels, chipmunks, butterflies, bees, lady bugs... the list goes on. And the high grass affords protection to snakes, foxes, opossums, bunnies, moles, voles ... the list goes on. It is a unique and thriving ecosystem. And in the height of summer when the cicadas come a calling, the sounds of the wild meadow are harmoniously overwhelming. 

The wild meadow is a massive carbon catcher. 

Every tree or shrub that is planted here instantly becomes part of this life giving process. 

The wild meadow is home to pollinators, which as we  all know are necessary if life is to continue on our planet. 

It is exciting to think about the saplings that will be planted here in the next little while. One of our green warriors got the ball rolling by donating a small tree to the project. I will send  a picture. The new trees will be part of the continuing transformation. And the money raised by donations will be transformational. There will be heat records broken in the next week or two. Try to picture yourselves in a community that has no access to fresh water during a crippling heat wave. It is basically unimaginable. Jesus said, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. 

I am encouraged by how the green warriors have responded.

I am so proud of you. 

But I am not surprised, because our little reflection group, AKA  as The Green Warriors, are disciples at heart. 

You are making a difference in this world, one little tree at a time. 

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. 

Have a lovely day and stay cool. 

Bendiciones infinitas 


I love you 
