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Good morning my dear sisters and brothers;

At the entrance of the wild meadow stands our towering northern catalpa. It is a rather striking tree which flowers magnificently in late spring and whose canopy is healthy and robust. At this time of year it is a favourite haunt of bumblebees and honeybees. The branches extend out like an umbrella over a large area, creating a natural grotto where the light that filters through turns various hues of green. It is truly magical, a thin place where time seems to stand still. 

In this grotto are three chairs and a small table that was brought back from Mexico over forty years ago. Even when the grotto is empty, it speaks of hospitality, of the possibility of coming together in community and sitting for a while. "Where two or three are gathered in his name." 

On Father's Day I was feeling somewhat melancholy. I had rediscovered a picture that was taken of my father when he was just two years old. He was standing by a a tree next to his little dog. He was immaculately dressed, and looking straight into the camera, straight into my soul. I saw myself reflected in his hazel eyes. He has been gone a lifetime, yet I still think of him and my mother every day. 

Coming out of the wild meadow I stepped beneath the branches of the catalpa and stared at the three empty chairs. The light filtering through was comforting, and the buzzing sound of the pollinators above added another level of comfort. 

I sat down in one of the chairs and allowed my imagination take hold flight, alongside the Holy Spirit. 

I imagined the grotto as a time portal. 

I asked myself whom I would like to join me in the other two seats. 

I pictured my father and mother walking through the wild meadow together, hand in hand, towards the grotto. In my minds eye, they are forever young. They step beneath the branches into the inner sanctum, as though nothing was out of the ordinary, and we sit and tell stories. It is simply beautiful. 

If you had the chance to sit beneath the catalpa with someone who is no longer here, who would it be? 

Where there is remembrance,there is life. 

This morning I pray for all of those who are grieving . 

Our loved ones never really leave us. 

They reside in our hearts and souls. 

Let us pray 

Gracious and loving God. When we remember those whom we have lost, help us to find solace in those precious memories. In our brokenness we turn to you for strength and comfort. We ask that you continue to guide us through the difficult grieving process, and remind us that you will never abandon us. This we ask in Jesus' name. 


Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegria hoy y siempre. 


I love you 
