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Good evening sisters and brothers; 

Just a short note reminding you that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, and to tell you about an amazing encounter I had with a mosca domestica linnaeus this afternoon. 

I had been bothered by a house fly all morning long. It was driving me crazy. As soon as I would get up from my desk to do something about it, the fly would disappear. No sooner than I would sit down, it would dive bomb me, buzzing annoyingly around my head. It even garnered the attention of our two house cats, Crookshanks and Kit who tried to catch it. 

After what seemed an eternity, the fly landed on the window near my desk. I stealthily crawled towards it, making sure not to make any sudden moves that might scare it. As I approached, it did not move. It was a large fly, blue and green in colour. As I got closer, it sensed my presence but did not fly away. I decided to take a closer look at my winged tormentor, and I was surprised by its beauty. Its  eyes were iridescent , and as it moved its head from side to side, the colours seemed to change. I wondered what I looked like to the fly. I pressed my finger to the window and watched in awe as the fly slowly crawled around my hand, its legs miraculously sticking to the pane of glass. Flies are marvels of aerodynamics, and it could have flown away as quickly as a nerve impulse jumping from synapse to synapse. It climbed onto my hand and came to rest on the tip of my pointer finger. We stared at each other for several seconds, and I realized that it was not going anywhere. So, as I do with all of God's creatures, I began talking to it as I headed outside. Standing on the Copacabana Deck beneath a deep blue sky , I was suddenly moved. I had made a connection with a miniscule being. And as I reflected about the uniqueness of the moment, I realized that the divine is found everywhere. The fly suddenly took flight and sailed away in the strong breeze. 

I took a deep breath and thanked God for all creatures, great and small. 

Let us pray 

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those

who work, or watch,or

weep this night, and give your angels 

charge over those who 

sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ: give

rest to the weary, bless

the dying, soothe the suffering, pity

the afflicted, shield the

joyous; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Que Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegria siempre


I love you 
