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Buenos días hermanas y hermanos; 

" The night has passed and the day lies open before us; let us pray with one heart and mind. As we rejoice in the gift of this new day, so may the light of your presence, O God, set our hearts on fire with love for you." 
(Romans 12 : 9-end)

Yesterday I walked through our wild meadow as the sun was meandering towards the western horizon. It was beautiful. The long grass is impossibly green, filled with little wild flowers of every size, shape and colour. The winds were gusty, and I spotted what I thought were wild flowers being tossed about in the air. But I was wrong. They were small yellow, white and purple butterflies . It is incredible how these delicate and fragile creatures are capable of flying when the winds are brisk. But it is not surprising. They are part of God's creation. The wild meadow was alive with the sound of tree frogs and toads, and as warmer weather arrives, this chorus will be joined by the unmistakable sound of the cicadas. 
Our outdoor prayer grotto is at the edge of the wild meadow. All of the trees here are in memory of lost ones. There is a tree in memory of a police officer in England who was killed in the line of duty. Another in memory of Nina's beautiful cousin Andy who died in a motorcycle accident 30 years ago. And one that celebrates the life of a golden retriever called Liam who passed away in his owner's/mother's arms in Argentina. This is truly sacred space. 
Last night I sat in the grotto in complete silence. I tried not to think. I wanted to be in the moment, to cast aside all the worries of the day and simply be. And before I knew it, I felt the peace that passes all understanding. It was quite a powerful moment. 
Life is filled with moments, like the dots in an impressionist painting. The painting that comes to mind is titled "Sunrise" by Claude Monet. Seen from far away, the painting is crisp and detailed. One can tell that it is obviously a painting of a sunrise. But as one walks closer to the painting, the image begins to blur. And up close the image becomes unrecognizable, just thousands upon thousands of coloured dots. Each moment in our lives is like those dots. Each one has meaning and substance. Each one is an integral part of the whole picture. 
This morning, the catbird woke us up at 5:30. The song of the catbird is a celebration of sound. It is as though 10 birds are singing at once. It is delightfully loud. I peaked out the window and saw him perched in the branches of a Manitoba Maple. Catbirds are incredibly intelligent and curious to a fault. I could still hear him singing as I filled a container with wild bird seed. As I opened the back door, I was greeted by Alfred, the raccoon and Finch and Emily Bronte our barn cats. It was a wonderful moment and a beautiful way to start my day. 
My sisters and brothers, the day lies open before us...
Let us make the most of it. 

Let us pray 

Loving and merciful God, creator of heaven and earth. We your humble servants give you praise and thanks for the beauty of this day and for the splendour of your magnificent creation. Give us the wisdom to enjoy the gift of this present moment. Unclutter our minds and lighten our hearts so that we may be fully present as our day unfolds. Increase our faith, and grant that we may walk in the brightness of your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

What will you do with your day? 

Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegria hoy y siempre


I love you 


This morning I am also thinking and praying for our loved ones who are struggling with mental illness. It is a difficult and frustrating road on which they travel. We give thanks that scientific research has provided hope through new medications and therapies. But there is still a long way to go.

I turn to a prayer that I found from the national day of prayer. 

O God, our liberation and
shalom, we seek the power of your
Spirit, that we may live in fuller union
with you, ourselves and our sisters
and brothers with mental illness. Also
grant that we may gain courage to
love and understand each other. 