Good afternoon sisters and brothers;
Early this morning I took Ranger out for a walk across the recently harvested soybean field to visit our old friend the oak tree. It had been a while since our last visit. Its size and majesty never ceases to amaze me. It always leaves me breathless. The earth has circled the sun nearly 400 times since our old friend was a wee sapling. It is humbling to stand in its shadow. Ranger had never been to this sacred spot, and he stood transfixed, acknowledging the moment. We walked up to its base and stared upwards through its gnarled branches, extended heavenward as though in prayer.
I would like to share a poem by Robert Frost called
The Sound of Trees
I wonder about the trees
Why do we wish to bear
The noise of these
More than another noise
So close to our dwelling place?
We suffer them by the day
Till we lose all measure of pace,
And fixity in our joys,
And acquire a listening air.
They are that that talks of going
But never gets away;
And that talks no less for knowing,
As it grow wiser and older,
That now it means to stay.
My feet tug at the floor
And my head sways to my shoulder
Sometimes when i watch tress sway,
From the window or the door,
I shall set forth for somewhere,
I shall make the reckless choice
Some day when they are in voice
And tossing so as to scare
The white clouds over them on .
I shall have less to say,
But I shall be gone.
Robert Frost.
And now a traditional Irish blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the
wind be always at your back. May the sun
shine warm upon your face, the rains fall
soft upon your fields, and until we meet
again, may God hold you in the palm of
his hand.
Que Diosito me los bendiga eternamente
I love you
God bless our little reflection group.