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Good morning sisters and brothers; 

I hope that you are well and looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I know that I am. Please remember that I continue to hold our little reflection group in prayer. We are a spiritual force with which to be reckoned. 

I have shared this snapshot with you before. It is one of my most prized possessions. It was taken at St. Patrick's Church in Mexico City on the day of my Catholic First Communion. This lovely and faded time capsule speaks for itself. Nothing is lost in translation. 

The pagan origins of Mother's Day dates back to the ancient Greeks. During their yearly spring festival, they paid tribute to maternal goddesses. In Greek mythology, a key figure was Rhea, wife of Cronus, who was the mother of various gods and goddesses.

Anna Jarvis established the first official Mother's Day, celebrated through a service of worship at St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia on May 10th, 1908. 

When I was a small child, I asked my beautiful mother why we only celebrated Mother's Day once a year. I remember telling her "You are my mom every day of the year." 

Mary Esther Maroney passed away on December 2nd, 1986. I celebrate her every day of the year.
 I realize that not everyone has a good and healthy relationship with their mother. Family dynamics are complicated and at times dysfunctional. We acknowledge this, and hold you in prayer. 

May you have a lovely day, a peaceful afternoon and a blessed evening. 

What singular memory comes to mind that defines your mother and fills your heart with joy ?

Mine is this faded and tattered snapshot that is indelibly imprinted on my soul. 

Let us pray

Loving and gracious God, creator of heaven and earth. We give you thanks and praise for the beauty of this sunny day and for the splendour of your creation. We give thanks for the gift of our mothers, who brought us into this world. May we strive to love one another, to be more compassionate and kind, and to hold dear in our hearts the memories of our mothers. 

Que Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegría hoy y siempre


I love you 
