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Buenas tardes, hermanas y hermanos; 

Yesterday very early in the morning, Frijolito announced that he was ready to go out for his customary walk. The dawn's early light was just barely cresting the eastern horizon. I tried to ignore Frijolito, acting as though I were still sound asleep. He jumped on the bed and proceeded to thump me on my chest with both paws at the same time, as though he were doing CPR compressions. I dragged myself downstairs, muttering medieval curses beneath my breath. 

I must admit that it would have been nice to have an extra hour of sleep, but had Frijolito not insisted so vehemently to go on a walk,  I would have missed one of the most beautiful mornings of the summer.

My breath was taken away the moment I took my first step outside.The wind and rain had stopped, and all was perfectly still. Raindrops clinging to the canopy above were falling randomly, making soft and muted sounds that reminded me of wind chimes in the distance. There were birds of all kinds bathing in the puddles, and in the trees the catbirds showed off their musical talents. And  in the damps and dews, tree frogs and toads filled the air with a beautiful symphony. 

As Frijolito and I walked toward the wild meadow, the light began to change. At dawn, the light is in constant flux. So much so that each moment,every footstep is unique and meaningful, like a frame in an old fashioned storyboard. 

Over the summer the colours in the wild meadow have slowly changed. At one point, the green hues were so deep that they looked blue. But now that the days are growing shorter, the hues are less vibrant, but just as beautiful. I got on bended knee to look at a patch of black-eyed susan flowers. They were tired looking, their yellow faded petals drooping downward. Flowers are so spiritual. And as Frijolito and I made our way back home, I looked up to the sky .

To try to accurately describe what we were witnessing would be a disservice to God's beautiful creation. 

I just want you to take a look at this picture  and see for yourself. 

The sky remained like this for about a one minute. Enough time for me to give thanks to the Creator.

It was an overwhelmingly emotional and spiritual moment. 

And as I stood in awe, I looked down and noticed that Frijolito was sitting down, also looking up at the sky.

Life is full of moments, sisters and brothers .

Good moments and bad ones. 

This one was definitely a good one, a very thin place where I keenly felt the presence of the Holy Spirit  

Summer is coming to a close. But we should not mourn its departure. Rather, we should cherish all the wonderful moments it has provided. 

Autumn is just around the corner, with fall colours, crisp evenings, hot apple cider and pumpkins. 

There are lovely moments in store for us. 

Your homework for today is to write to me and tell me about a special moment. 

I will close with a poem by Robert Frost

"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower ;
But only so an hour .
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay" 

I just love Robert Frost

Let us pray 

Eternal God, you create us by your power and redeem us by
your love. Guide and strengthen us by your Spirit, that we may 
give ourselves today in love and service to one another and to
you; through Jesus Christ our Lord 


Diosito me los bendiga 


I love you 
