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Good morning sisters and brothers; 
It has been a long time since I sat down to jot down some thoughts. I have not forgotten about our little reflection group. On the contrary, I have prayed for you fervently each and every day, especially during evening Compline when the world is hushed and the divine seems much closer. I encourage everyone to make evening Compline part of your spiritual discipline. It helps put the day that was into perspective and makes our physical and spiritual selves better prepared for a good night's sleep. I have given  you the definition of Compline in a previous reflection, but I would like to revisit it. 
"The ancient office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning completion (completorium). It is above all a service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day . It is most effective when the ending is indeed an ending, without additions, conversation or noise."
I have sent you a copy of the office of Compline before. It will be in a reflection titled Compline. I strongly encourage you to find it or simply Google it. We live in a stressful and broken world, and Compline is a wonderful prayer resource that  reminds us to acknowledge our dependence on God and God alone. 
This Sunday's Harvest Thanksgiving Gospel passage is Matthew 6:25-33 in which Jesus tells the disciples, the crowds and those reading this reflection not to worry. 
We should listen to Jesus. 
A week ago Kit got into a growling match through the sliding screen door with Augustus, a lean barn cat. It escalated, and both jumped on to the screen door, knocking it down. They rolled down the steps of the Copacabana Deck before separating. Augustus ran toward the wild meadow and Kit disappeared into the deep and almost impenetrable brambles. Kit had never stepped outside for even a moment before this altercation, and he must have been terrified. We spent most of that first day trying to clear some of the brambles, but Kit seemed to have vanished.
It is disorienting and sad when a beloved pet goes missing. We wondered that first night where Kit would sleep, what he would eat, was he in danger of the coyotes who wander onto our property almost every night. The next night it rained all through the evening and into the early morning. The frustrating part was that we began to catch glimpses of Kit, but the little stinker would not come to us. He was evidently having a good time experiencing the freedom to do as he wished. But then he vanished again. My lovely friend from Mexico Alejandra wrote to me and said that she would pray to San Antonio de Papua, the patron saint of all things lost. This really helped lift my spirits.
The next evening I sat down in my prayer corner to do Compline. I prayed that I would be given a sign to let me know that Kit was okay. It was time for Kit to return to Dunblane. And his buddy Crookshanks was completely beside himself. He sat on a chair looking out the sliding glass door, as though searching for a sailboat on a distant horizon from the cliff tops. As I finished Compline, a sense of calm and peace descended upon my soul. 
On Sunday I was watching a football game after church. For no reason whatsoever I  suddenly sprang from my chair and ran downstairs. Sitting quietly on the Copacabana deck was Kit, waiting patiently to be let back inside. He and Crookshanks were staring at one another through the glass.  There was much joy at Dunblane, as the two inseparable friends were reunited. 
Only Kit knows the details of what unfolded during the week in which he was running around like a feral cat. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  The important thing is that he is back home. That I did not give up hope and that I prayed, as did others. Gracias Karen y Lorraine. 
It was a happy ending, and this morning before I left to come to church, I took this picture of the dynamic duo doing what they do best, relaxing without a care in the world. 
Home sweet home. 
I pray that you have a lovely day, and that you remember that you are loved by the God who made us all. You were loved even before you were born. 
In this Sunday"s Gospel Jesus tells us not to worry, to have faith. This is sometimes easier said than done. For those going through difficult times, I will continue praying for you. If we all pray for each other, no matter what, it will make a difference. And remember that if you are overwhelmed, send me a message . 
Let us pray 
Loving and gracious God, creator of heaven and earth, you have brought us to the safety of this new day. Preserve us with your mighty power that we may not fall into sin, or be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 
Diosito me los colme de bendiciones hoy y siempre 
I love you 