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Buenos días hermanas y hermanos; 

I do a walk through of the building every morning just to make sure everything is as it should be. This includes the sanctuary. 

The sanctuary was especially beautiful this morning, and I decided to sit in a pew and say a prayer for our little reflection group. So many are going through difficult times. 

I picked up a BAS prayer book which promptly fell out of my hands. It ended up open on the floor to page 123, The Litany of the Holy Spirit. This happens to be one of my favorite litanies and I have made reference to it in a previous reflection. 

With our little reflection group in mind, I recited the litany aloud. 

Come, Holy Spirit, creator, and renew the face of the earth. 

Come, Holy Spirit, counsellor, and touch our lips that we may proclaim your word. 

Come, Holy Spirit, power from on high: make us agents of peace and ministers of wholeness. 

Come, Holy Spirit, breath of God, give life to the dry bones of this exiled age, and make us a living people, holy and free. 

Come, Holy Spirit, wisdom and truth; strengthen us in the risk of faith. 

As I finished , I felt the Holy Spirit had filled the entire sanctuary. And looking up toward the high altar, I was left speechless. 

Let us pray 

Loving and gracious God, in you we live and move and have our being. Guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Diosito me los bendiga. 


I love you


A reminder that if any of you has a special prayer request, send it to me anytime today so I can include it in my evening prayers. My evening prayers have been taking place in the wild meadow, in the company of fireflies and mosquitoes. I thought that the Holy Spirit might repel the mosquitoes, but no such luck. Those little blood thirsty vampires show no mercy. 

Have a peaceful day