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Good morning sisters and brothers; 

This past Sunday the Gospel passage from Mark dealt with chaos. We find Jesus in a house surrounded by a rather large and hostile crowd, and there is an undercurrent of danger that flows swiftly beneath the scene. Jesus is being accused by the Pharisees of being out of his mind, and they continually challenge his authority. There is nothing comforting about what is unfolding. Jesus is at the centre of chaos. And his family is brought to the house to see if they can "restrain" Jesus. 

The crowd tells him that his mother, brothers and sisters have arrived, and that they are asking for him. His family is there. And he asks "Who are my mother, brothers and sisters"?

Jesus then looks around at those sitting with him and says "Here are my my mother, brothers and sisters. Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister, and mother. "

This universal message of love and inclusion is the centre of calm in a vortex of chaos. 

Our lives are often chaotic. We become so busy that we lose sight of the Gospel message. And let's face it, life can be tough. And we can become completely overwhelmed. 

I encourage you that if you are feeling overwhelmed this morning, seek the centre of calm that is the healing presence of the Risen Christ. It is found anywhere and everywhere, and often in the most unexpected places. 

I confess that I was a bit overwhelmed this morning, and I sought the centre of peace. I chose to go pray by the sliding glass window, which looks out across the Copacabana Deck and beyond. But my spot was occupied by Kit, who was sitting perfectly still. With his paws crossed, he was enjoying the sunshine while watching the dozens upon dozens of of birdies at our bird feeder. This is a feline version of Tic Toc. He looked up at me, and basically invited me to pull up a chair and join him, which I did. And within a minute or two, I was at peace. I And as we were both staring through the glass sliding door, a humming bird came to feed on the flowers. And I thought about the line from the litany of the Holy Spirit. "Come, Holy Spirit, power from on high, make us agents of peace and ministers of wholeness." I was ready to face the day. 

My dear sisters and brothers, whatever you are facing today, seek the centre of peace that is the love of Jesus. Know that you are not alone, that you were loved by God even before you were born. 

Jesus said "Who are my mother, brothers, and sisters.?" 

We are. 

And together in prayer we can face what will unfold. We are family. 

Open up your hearts, and you will see and feel the centre of peace. 

Let us pray 

Loving and gracious God, creator of heaven and earth. We come before you today seeking your peace that passes all understanding. In the chaos of our busy lives, we yearn for your calming presence to fill our hearts and bring us inner peace. 


Diosito me los colme de bendiciones 


I love you 


Hmm, this kind of looks like a reflection.