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Good afternoon, sisters and brothers;

Since sending out my last reflection, I have received many messages from people wanting to become green warriors. 

This is amazing. 

This is the Gospel in action. 

Our little reflection group is going to make a difference. 

This is the plan. It would be great if we could somehow purchase 50 trees to plant in the wild meadow. I have even found the perfect spot, as you can see from the picture. This would be a Christ Church environmental initiative that would raise awareness to the importance of flora and pollinators. Once enough trees are procured, I envision a ceremony at dusk, with the weight of the Milky Way on our shoulders. 

And the very first step has been taken. One of our green warriors has already donated a tree. This is fantastic. 

God is awesome. 

I pray that you will consider donating a tree. It will be a legacy that can last for generations. 

This Sunday's Gospel is from Mark 4: 26-34. Jesus tells the disciples the parable of the mustard seed. 

" It is like the mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of seeds on the earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nets in its shade." 

Each tree we plant will put forth branches, and will offer the birds protection and afford shade to those who wish to sit and dream.

Each tree we plant will make our world a little greener and healthier. 

May God bless our little reflection group. 

Bendiciones infinitas 


I love you 
