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Good morning sisters and brothers; 

It seems forever since I last sat down to compose a reflection. My apologies. I must confess that it has been somewhat hectic here at Dunblane since my holidays began. As soon as my time off began, we noticed that our water pressure was slowly becoming weaker and weaker, making our water pump work overtime. The water well at the farm was dug over a century ago. I always wondered and worried what would happen if our well finally quit for good. Last Monday we had a company come to Dunblane to see what was going on. Once it was determined that it was not the water pump, the crew spent two days trying to revive the old well. Their attempts failed, so we basically have little to no water. The solution is simple. Hook up to the municipal water supply and run a line from the highway down the lane. It is expensive and bothersome. But we have the resources and we will get water soon. This episode highlights the importance of our tree planting initiative that has raised funds to help bring fresh water to indigenous communities in northern Ontario. It is difficult to imagine what life would be like with no running water. Living in the Great Lakes region, we sometimes take the availability of fresh water for granted. I want to take this opportunity to thank those green warriors who have already sent in their donations. And I am delighted to report that green warriors from the United States and England have sent donations. How awesome is that? This is the Gospel in action my sisters and brothers. 

This morning I took a walk through our wild meadow, which has actually become more of a jungle. It is a sight to behold. I had allowed myself to become distracted and anxious thinking about our water situation and hoped that some time spent in the meadow would act like a healing balm. Yesterday it rained all day long , dotting the wild meadow with crystal clear water puddles. And after a good soaking, nature responds by filling the air with the soothing sounds of tree frogs and toads. This is one of my favourite sounds mother Earth has to offer. It is almost spiritual, and it fills me with joy. And as the sun broke through the light cloud cover, dragon flies hovered enigmatically over the water puddles, casting miniscule shadows that seemed to be swimming below the surface of the water. It was all magical, and I could feel the stress and anxiety literally melting away. I always feel the presence of the divine in the wild meadow, and this morning it was particularly strong. 

As I headed back to the farm house, I looked over at our organic vegetable garden which is planted at the entrance of the wild meadow. This year we decided to plant a more modest and manageable garden. This way nothing will go to waste. I noticed a kaleidoscope of butterflies hovering over one of our zucchini plants. I stood motionless and simply watched. As I was reaching for my phone to take a picture, a strong gust of wind swept across the wild meadow, lifting the kaleidoscope into the air. 

Before exiting the wild meadow, I thanked the Creator for this moment. 

We all have things in our lives that  cause anxiety and stress.  That is life. My prayer for you this morning is that if you are feeling overwhelmed, go outside and find a spot where you can pray and think more clearly. Connect to nature and to the divine. 

I have homework for you. I would like you to write back and tell me what brought you peace. My healing balm was butterflies and zucchini. 

What was yours? 

Let us pray 

Loving and gracious God,
from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed;
kindle, we pray in the hearts of all, the true love of peace
and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom
those who take counsel for the nations of the earth
that in tranquility your kingdom may go forward
till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegría siempre. 


I love you 
