The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, Harvest Thanksgiving. There are two Services with one being of Holy Communion at 8:30 am and the other one being Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am. Happy Harvest Thanksgiving sisters and brothers. We have so much for which to be thankful. Please read the passage from the Gospel of Matthew 6: 25-33 and think about how worry interferes with our relationship to the divine as well as to the earthly. How does thankfulness help us with both?
These are the hymns for this Sunday. Google or Youtube are excellent resources:
Following the service, please join us in the Library for coffee and fellowship hosted this week by Ron & Mary Jane Hunter. Thank you to our hosts each week.
Wednesday Holy Communion will be Wednesday, October 16th at 10:00 am. Rev. John invites you to join the “Let’s Talk About Grief” fellowship hour after the 10:00 am BCP service at 10:45 am.
On Sunday, October 20th, there will be only one Service of Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am. There will be no 8:30 am Holy Communion on Sunday, October 20th. Following the 10:00 am Service there will be a Special Vestry Meeting for all to attend.
Please fill in your names as Hosts for the coffee and fellowship hours on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office for the remainder of the Year beginning in November. Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship. Thank you to our current coffee hour hosts for your Ministry.
The following ways of Giving to the Church are through Envelopes, E-Transfer to and now our updated Website. The site is: in the noted area. For more information, please contact the office. Thank you for your continued support.
The Giving Tree for October For the month of October, The Giving Tree will be reaching out to support Bill’s Place located on Centre Street very close to our church. Bill‘s Place is a safe space for people who identify as 25LGBTQIA+. A former Chatham resident Bill Brokenshire established a trust fund in his will to help establish a safe space, as he felt he needed to leave Chatham when he was younger as no such support was available here. His vision was to purchase a property with two apartments upstairs to sustain the building and its programming. So many youth turn to suicide without needed support and a place to feel safe.
Bill’s Place is in need of:
Cash/Gift Cards are due to Vicki V. Friday, November 1st or to the Church Office Mail Box by 11:30 am. Please note Loblaws (which is the Real Canadian Superstore and No Frills) is appreciated towards the Little Food Pantry and/or Monday Bag Lunch Program. The funds are used to feed those in need and the Church receives funds from your order. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Pop Can Sundays are the first Sunday of each month (Sunday, November 3rd). Bring your empty aluminum cans in a tied bag to church and place them by the McKeough Memorial Fountain before coming into the Sanctuary. Thank you with this project.
We appreciate you dropping off your empty paper towel holders, egg cartons, the 1 litre or 1.28 Kg. size only (not the small ones) of margarine containers and the large cool whip containers loose in the containers provided. Please no toilet paper holders due to hygiene. Please continue to bring in your items. They are greatly appreciated.