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Good morning sisters and brothers;

In my reflection that I sent last night, I asked you to send me any prayer requests that I could include in my evening prayers. This is something I usually do. 

I always get a "few" requests. 

But last night was different. 

After sending my reflection, I took Frijolito out for his customary evening walk. 

When I returned, I noticed that I had mail. 

Prayer requests. 

And the request kept on coming, and coming,and coming. 

It was, to say the least, a very emotional evening prayer. 

It is such a privilege to serve you , to walk with you side by side through sorrow and joy. 

Our God is a God of connection. 

We are connected to one not through the internet, but through the power of prayer. 

Our narratives are woven together to form a lovely tapestry of care and concern. 

Last night's compline was simply , a thin place in which the veil between the earthly and heavenly was torn asunder, and we all stood in the presence of the Risen Christ, who heard your supplications. 

Thank you for your trust and your friendship. 

Our God is an awesome God. 

You are probably wondering why I included this picture of a raccoon. 

This is a relatively new member of the Dunblane family. She is a mother who has a litter of babies that live in our century barn. She comes every morning for breakfast. This morning I found her sitting on the back steps with her dexterous little hands folded on her lap. She did not move. I sat down not two feet from her, and she did not move. We stared at each other for the longest time. She understands that she has nothing to fear, that a life at Dunblane means a life of safety and security. 

I watched as she finished her breakfast and headed back to her babies. Halfway to the barn, she turned around, stood on her hind feet, and looked my way. 

This was undeniably her way of saying "Gracias"

Have a lovely afternoon. 

Let us be grateful for the love that surrounds us on every side. 

Let us pray 

Gracious and loving God, we thank you that you hear our supplications. Give us the strength and courage to persevere during difficult times and open our hearts so that we may embrace the joy of the Holy Spirit in everything we do. This we ask in Jesus' name. 

Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegría hoy y siempre. 


I love you 
